Camp While the party is camped, they may rest to reduce fatigue by holding the REST button. While in camp, there is a reduced chance to be involved in random encounters. While in camp, magic users, clerics and enchanters may create scrolls provided that they possess a scroll case, parchment, and an adequate number of spell points to scribe the spell. It requires twice as many spell points to scribe a spell as it does to cast the spell outright. As an example, it would cost 4 spell points to cast a level 1 Magic Missile. To scribe the same Magic Missile spell would require 2 x 4 = 8 spell points. Healing If PCs are wounded they may regain their stamina by magical means, but will also heal over time. PCs will regain stamina at a rate of 1 point per 3 levels of experience every 12 hours. Thus a 1st, 2nd or 3rd level PC will heal 1 point every 12 hours, a 4th, 5th or 6th level PC will heal 2 points every 12 hours, a 7th, 8th or 9th level PC will heal 3 points every 12 hours, and so on. This rate of healing holds true only IF someone in the party is carrying Iron Rations. If there are no Iron Rations available for the wounded PC to eat, then healing will progress at half the normal rate, rounded down. Example: A 9th level PC who has Iron Rations to eat will heal at the rate of 3 points every 12 hours, but will only heal at the rate of 1 points every 12 hours if there are no Iron Rations to consume. Note that 1 point per 12 hours is the minimum rate for ALL characters. You need not do anything to consume Iron Rations, as they will be used automatically as you heal. The iron rations may be carried by any member of the party, and will be consumed only by the healing party members. Since the rations tend to be very heavy, it would be advisable to have the stronger party members carry them.